Frankie Muniz Racing

. This game is excellent set outdoors on a hot day. Fishing Game with Real Fish Buy 30 or more fish that like to swim fast and fill up a sma ll wading pool full of these fish. Give each child a net and a bucket full of water. Show the kids how to catch fish with the nets. Set a ti mer and allow the kids to catch as many fish as possible. The kid with the most fish wins. Sell the fish back to the pet shop or allow kids to take fish home as pets if their parents approve. Some kids may already have an aquarium with other fish at home.1 Cut five segments of wi free icons re 6 inches long. Use the cutting edge of the electrical pliers to strip off half an inch of insulating material from the ends of each wire segment. 2 Attach one end of the first wire to the negative terminal on the first battery. Attach one end of the second wire to the negative Frankie Muniz Racing terminal on the second battery. 3 Twist together the loose ends of the first and second wires. Place the twisted wire pair on one of the mo .

entiometer. Solder one end of the fourth wire to the remaining end terminal on the potentiometer. 5 Attach the loose end of the third wire t o the positive terminal on the first battery. Attach the loose end of the fourth wire to the positive terminal on the second battery. 6 Sold er one end of the fifth wire to the remaining motor terminal. Solder the other end of this wire to the wiper terminal on the potentiometer. Turn the potentiometer control clockwise until the motor begins to turn in one direction. Turn the potentiometer control counterclockwise un letter template til the motor stops. Continue to turn the potentiometer control counterclockwise until the motor reverses direction.Balloon Game Put a Bible school twist on a classic game by pumping up the volume on contemporary Christian pop tunes while the kids play the game--providing an end- Frankie Muniz Racing of-the-game opportunity for the children to serve one another. Choose CDs by up-beat bands such as the Newsboys or Jump-Five. Divide the kid .

op the music. The team with the most balloons on their side must serve snacks to the winning team that day. Remind the kids that Jesus value d the act of serving one another. Musical Chairs Play musical chairs, set to lively Christian tunes. Before Bible school, prepare strips of paper containing the Bible verse, Matthew 19:30: "But many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first." Tape the paper s trips to pieces of candy for game prizes. Set two rows of chairs back to back to each child can have a chair. Ask the kids to stand, remove ebooks free download one chair, then start the music. Have the kids walk in a line around the chairs. Tell the children to sit when the music stops. Stop the mus ic. Give two pieces of candy to the child who is left standing. The child may eat one piece, and save the other to take home. Continue the g Frankie Muniz Racing ame, removing one chair before beginning the music each time. Bible Story Charades Play Bible story charades the last two or three days of B .

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